Health harmonization

The energy

Disease is a signal from the body,
it shows a lack of balance, or that the individual has deviated from the path to be followed according to his destiny.

Everyone uses some type of defense system subconsciously. The disease destroys our defense system. Because the body wants to make us realize where we have suppression, where we have anger left, where we cannot accept ourselves, or what, most of these things go back a long time, and in general it can be said that some kind of trauma is the basic psychological cause. Let’s talk about any illness, the spiritual side of everything is caused by inadequate or inadequate processing of a long-ago trauma. With my help, we will look for the trauma, the cause together, find the lesson and start healing. It is very important to learn to have room for emotions! And let’s stay in the present moment!

As part of my health harmonization treatment, I help restore the aura and the soul and help the individual to understand, experience and process the emotions of the moment, often completely subconsciously. As we heal, the energy becomes free for life, we will be in the present and the energy of trauma can be transformed into the energy of life!

In all cases, if a physical symptom is already present, western medicine is necessary and alternative methods can be used as complementary or preventive therapy! Diagnosing is the doctor’s task! I am a helpful solution for the creation and prevention of all background causes and mental balance!

The energy reaches as far as it wants, is present everywhere and can be directed anywhere. If you come to me for treatment, I will only deal with you personally. We will discuss your problems and restore harmony in your body so that you are healthy. We deal with your soul and help you get rid of the burdens and chains of your current life and your previous lives, so that your relationships are harmonious again, your body is healthy and you are balanced and successful in all areas of your life.

The treatment can also be done remotely.
Remember that energy can reach as far as it goes, it is present everywhere and it can be directed anywhere.

Diagnosing is the doctor’s task!
I am a helpful solution for the creation and prevention of all background causes and mental balance!

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If you’re still unsure, take a look around the Recommendation group, which I created to introduce the main group, post previews, and recommendations.


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